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EnergyGrants to Replace Storage Heaters UK 2024: How to Apply for Free...

Grants to Replace Storage Heaters UK 2024: How to Apply for Free Funding Now

Did you know that you can replace your current storage heaters for free thanks to the ECO Scheme? This government initiative is giving out grants to replace storage heaters for new and modern units that are more efficient, resulting in lower energy bills and less carbon emissions.

The grants to replace storage heaters are available for eligible low income and vulnerable households in England, Scotland and Wales, and the application process is 100% free and fast, allowing you to upgrade your home heating system without upfront costs.

If you’d like more information on how to apply to claim these exclusive grants, find our tutorial below.

How to Apply to Claim Grants to Replace Storage Heaters

If you are ready to apply for a grant to replace your current storage heaters, here’s how you can do it in simple steps:

1. Visit FreeBoilerGrantsUK.com

This is the platform where you can apply for the storage heater replacement grant, and it’s 100% free to use. They will receive and process your application to let you know if you’re eligible for replacing your storage heaters for free via the ECO Scheme.

2. Fill out the Application Form

After landing on FreeBoilerGrantsUK.com, you need to fill out the application form with all the requested information such as names, email address, household income, zip code, etc. Make sure all the information you enter is precise and real.

3. Send the Application and Wait for Approval

After filling out the application form with all the requested information, simply click on “Submit” to send your application form and then wait for approval. The team of FreeBoilerGrantsUK.com will contact you in 24 hours or less.

The application process is 100% free and you can fill out the application form in 5 minutes or less. Click the link below to apply now.

What to Do After Approval?

After getting approved, you only have to follow these steps to enjoy the benefits of the new storage heaters:

  1. You need to schedule a date for the property survey, a mandatory process where a team of specialists will visit your home to inspect it and determine how many new storage heaters you need, as well as additional upgrades
  2. After the team of specialists conduct the inspection, they will let you know on what date they will visit your property again to install the new storage heaters and the additional upgrades
  3. Finally, the team will visit your property on the agreed date to install all the upgrades, so you can enjoy the benefits of your new storage heaters and home heating system.

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements

The ECO4 grants to replace storage heaters are only available for eligible households – here you have the eligibility criteria and requirements.

Property Location and Ownership

The grants are only available for homeowners and private tenants in England, Scotland and Wales. This is the first requirement you must meet to qualify for this government initiative via the ECO Scheme.

Income and Benefits

This grant is only available for households with an income lower than £31,000 per year. However, it’s still possible to qualify if you or someone in your property receives one or more of the following benefits:

  • Warm Homes Discount Scheme
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • Child Tax Credits (CTC)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit
  • Child Benefits
  • Housing Benefit
  • Universal Credit (UC)

This is because the ECO4 Scheme has placed a greater focus on helping low-income families, and hence it’s a requirement you must meet.

Health Conditions

For households with an income higher than £31,000, it’s still possible to qualify if you or someone in your property suffers from a health condition or long-term illness such as:

  • Asthma
  • Limited mobility
  • Arthritis
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Immunosuppression
  • Diabetes

It’s also worth noting that any of these qualifying health conditions must be verified one of the following entities or professionals:

  • General medical practitioner
  • Health Board 
  • NHS Trust
  • Local Health Board
  • NHS Foundation Trust

EPC Rating

The goal of the UK government is to assist low-income families who live in inefficient buildings, and the best factor to determine it is the EPC rating. Therefore, you can only qualify if your property has an EPC rating of D, E, F or G, because it means it’s energy inefficient and hence it will benefit from replacing storage heaters and installing additional upgrades.

To understand why it’s an important eligibility factor, here you have the full list of EPC ratings with their respective efficiency rate:

  • EPC A: 92%+
  • EPC B: 81-91%
  • EPC C: 69-80%
  • EPC D: 55-68%
  • EPC E: 39-54%
  • EPC F: 21-38%
  • EPC G: 1-20%

As you can easily see, the difference between the top EPC ratings and the bottom EPC ratings is large, and hence it’s important to fix it as soon as possible to improve energy efficiency and make it possible to save money on energy bills, combat fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions.

If you are ready to apply and claim this grant to replace your current storage heaters, click the link below to start the application process:

What Are Grants to Replace Storage Heaters?

The grants to replace storage heaters are free incentives from the government via the ECO Scheme, which places an obligation on energy companies in England, Scotland and Wales to bring energy saving solutions to low income and vulnerable households to make them more efficient and reduce carbon emissions.

The grants bring free funding to eligible homeowners and private tenants to replace their old storage heaters with new electric storage heaters (ESH), which are compatible with Economy 7 and Economy 10 tariffs, offer higher heat retention and more energy efficiency, making them the ideal option for reducing fuel poverty and carbon emissions.

The free funding allows homeowners to replace their storage heaters without cost, in addition to other upgrades such as heat pumps, insulation solar panels and heating controls.

The storage heater replacement grants are expected to end by March, 2026, because it is only one of the several measures that the UK government is taking to reach its goal of reaching zero net carbon emissions by 2050.

Therefore, the best time to claim this grant is now to upgrade your storage heaters and heating system for free.

What Storage Heater Can You Get Thanks to ECO4 Grants?

The ECO4 grants will make it possible for you to equip your home with cutting-edge storage heaters that will reduce carbon emissions, save money on energy bills and make your house a better place to live in.

However, it’s important to know exactly what storage heaters you’ll get, and here you will find all the information about them.

The Electric Storage Heater (ESH) from the ECO4 Scheme

The ESH from the ECO4 scheme are supplied by Dimplex and Elnur, and they offer the following features and advantages:

  • 100% electric
  • High heat retention
  • Cooling fan assistance to protect the storage heater
  • Integrated storage for superior performance
  • Compatible with Economy 7 and Economy 10 tariffs
  • Slim and modern panel design
  • High tech temperature control
  • Built to last

During the inspection, the team will let you know what storage heaters they will install, and they can gladly explain you all the features and benefits.

What Additional Upgrades Can You Claim with Storage Heater Grants?

During the property survey, the team of specialists might determine that your property needs additional upgrades to make it more efficient and reduce carbon emissions. Here you have the full list of improvements you can claim thanks to the ECO4 Scheme. Read more Here on the Storage Heater Grants

Heat Pumps

If during the property survey the team of specialists determines that your boiler needs replacement, then you can also claim an air source or ground source heat pump via the ECO4 Scheme. Because they work without combustion, they offer superior energy efficiency while reducing carbon emissions, making them the ideal replacement for oil, gas and electric boilers.

Wall and Loft Insulation

Proper wall and loft insulation can make your home up to X% more efficient, allowing you to take full advantage of your new storage heaters. Thanks to the ECO4 scheme, you can also claim this upgrade when applying for the storage heater replacement grant.

Solar Panels

Solar panels will allow you to take advantage of the cleanest and cheapest source of energy for your home, and hence the ECO4 Scheme can also include the purchase and installation of this additional upgrade when claiming a storage heater replacement grant.

Heating Controls

The ECO4 Scheme also includes the installation of heating controls that will help you to control all the settings of your home heating systems and solutions. From customising the climatisation of your home to preventing wasting energy, the installers can also provide you with modern, efficient and safe heating controls.  


In some cases, the inspectors might determine that your home also needs radiators for certain areas. Therefore, if it’s the case during the property survey, then you will have the chance to claim new and eco-friendly radiators for free thanks to the free funding from the ECO4 Scheme. 

Benefits of Replacing Storage Heaters via the ECO Scheme

There are plenty of reasons why you should opt for replacing your current storage heaters with this government-backed grant, and here you have all the benefits that will motivate you to apply for it right now.

Reduce your energy bills

In a nutshell, new storage heaters from the ECO4 Scheme are more efficient than traditional storage heaters, and it’s because they are Electric Storage Heaters (ESH) from the best brands in the market: Dimplex and Elnur.

Therefore, they charge heat faster and only during off-time electricity times, allowing you to save more money. And because they offer higher heat retention, you’ll be able to make the most out of every charge to keep your home warm and comfortable.

Keep your home warm throughout the winter

Because new storage heaters from the UK government ECO scheme are more efficient in terms of energy and heat retention, they’re capable of keeping your home warm throughout the winter at all times. 

Get access to additional home heating upgrades for free

Claiming the storage heater replacement grant is only the first step towards upgrading your entire home heating system. If you qualify, you can also claim premium upgrades for free such as heat pumps, insulation, solar panels, radiators and heating controls, allowing you to upgrade your property all at once.

Improve your lifestyle quality immediately

Upgrading the home heating system of your property will immediately improve your lifestyle quality because you will be able to sleep well at night in a properly climatised home and wake up full of energy. And if you suffer from health conditions such as asthma or arthritis, then such upgrades might bring you relief.

Contribute to saving the planet

The new electric storage heaters from the ECO4 Scheme reduce carbon emissions, hence you will be contributing towards saving the planet by upgrading your current storage heaters. The goal of the UK government is to reach zero net carbon emissions by 2050, and with this action you will be playing your part in accomplishing it.

Important Facts about the Storage Heater Replacement Grants

To make sure you take full advantage of these special grants, we have noted down the four most important facts about them. Below, you will find all the information you need.

Several factors will determine how much funding you can claim

How much free funding you get for replacing your storage heaters and additional upgrades will depend on the following factors:

  • Type of wall
  • Number of storage heaters needed
  • Type of property
  • Type of heating you need
  • Additional upgrades your property needs

Insulation is the most frequent free additional upgrade for storage heater grants

The ECO4 Scheme offers a series of free upgrades for improving the energy efficiency of your home, and hence you can frequently claim free insulation along with new storage heaters. Because insulation can increase energy efficiency by up to 50%, you can take advantage of this upgrade thanks to ECO4 free funding.

Grants and installation of new storage heaters are in high demand

Grants and installers for new storage heaters and upgrades from the ECO4 Scheme are in high demand, especially during the winter. It means the best time to send your application to claim this grant is now, to get your request at the top of the queue and get the new storage heaters and other upgrades installed in your home as soon as possible.

The grants to replace storage heaters will not last forever

The grants to replace storage heaters are expected to end by March 2026, hence they won’t last forever and you might lose your chance to claim this free grant to upgrade your home heating system without cost.

It’s also important to mention that the government plans to reach zero net carbon emissions by 2050, and this is why they are planning to ban oil and gas powered home heating systems in the next few years. Therefore, the best moment to upgrade your storage heaters is now.


Below, you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about grants to replace storage heaters and the ECO4 Scheme.

Can you claim grants to replace storage heaters in Scotland?

Yes, you can claim a grant to replace current storage heaters in Scotland because the ECO Scheme has placed an obligation on medium and large energy companies in Scotland to bring qualifying households energy-saving solutions.

Can you claim grants to replace storage heaters in Wales?

Yes, the grants to replace storage heaters are available in Wales because the ECO Scheme has also placed an obligation on medium and large energy suppliers in Wales. As a result, you can claim free funding for replacing and upgrading your current storage heaters.

Are grants to replace storage heaters free?

Yes, it’s free to apply for grants to replace storage heaters, and for qualifying households, you can expect to get the new storage heaters for free without any additional contribution.

Can I claim a grant to replace storage heaters if I’m not on benefits?

Yes, you can claim a grant to replace storage heaters if you are not on benefits if your household income is lower than £31,000 per year, or if someone in your property suffers from a qualifying health condition such as asthma, arthritis or cardiovascular conditions.

What type of storage heaters can I get with the ECO grants?

The ECO grants will allow you to claim Electric Storage Heaters (ESH) for free from high quality brands such as Elnur and Dimplex, thus offering higher heat retention and higher energy efficiency than traditional storage heaters.


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