In a world often marked by separation and uncertainty, Dr Salman Shahid and his team stand as a beacon of compassion, bringing hope and support to vulnerable communities.
The journey began at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when Dr Shahid, a GP in Middleton, went door-to-door delivering Christmas hampers to vulnerable individuals, elderly residents, and those who had lost loved ones. This act of generosity gained national recognition on social media and was highlighted by the BBC.
Motivated by the response, Dr Shahid established Healing Humanity International, a charity committed to helping the elderly, lonely, and isolated, as well as low-income families. The organisation also collaborates with food banks to assist homeless individuals and combat the growing challenge of poverty.
Since 2022, the charity has been organising Christmas lunches for individuals facing loneliness, isolation, and disabilities. By uniting community resources, these events have provided more than a meal—they have created moments of connection and belonging.
This year, under the guidance of Dr Shahid and team leader Jackie McCann, a group of volunteers prepared and served hearty, nourishing meals. The events were carefully designed to foster an inclusive and uplifting environment, where participants shared stories, laughter, and companionship. Attendees left not only well-fed but also enriched by the shared sense of community.
Beyond the festive season, Dr Shahid’s dedication continues. His strong partnerships with Middleton and Rochdale food banks ensure that food-insecure individuals and the homeless receive year-round support. Through ongoing food drives and fundraising initiatives, he has created a sustainable network of aid, transforming seasonal efforts into a long-term mission.
Dr Shahid’s leadership has inspired a wave of volunteers and donors in Middleton. His efforts underscore the importance of collective action in addressing social challenges and highlight the value of mental health and emotional well-being in vulnerable communities.
Many attendees have shared how these Christmas lunches have helped them cope with feelings of isolation and loss. They have found comfort in forming new friendships and support networks through these gatherings.
As these annual lunches continue, Dr Shahid and his team remain committed to fostering connection and care. His work exemplifies the strength of community and compassion, making him a true champion for those in need.