Home Family Winston’s Wish to bring Christmas cheer to bereaved families

Winston’s Wish to bring Christmas cheer to bereaved families

Winston’s Wish to bring Christmas cheer to bereaved families

A special Christmas party for bereaved Manchester children and their families, is taking place on December 8.

Winston’s Wish, the UK’s first children and young people’s bereavement charity, is hosting the free event from 2pm at Withington Girls’ School.

It is open to bereaved local children up to the age of 12, and will feature a silent disco, arts and crafts, a games station, party food and a gift from Santa.

The aim is to bring together children and their families who are united by their shared experiences of grief and bereavement because for them, Christmas can be an emotional time of year.

The parties are free for eligible children and are funded by the kind support of donors.

Estimates suggest that each day, more than 100 children in the UK are bereaved of a parent and that figure doesn’t equate how many young people are coping with the death of a sibling, grandparent, friend, or another significant individual in their lives.

Nicole Gerrard, fundraising events and campaigns manger said: “We know that Christmas can be a really difficult time of year for grieving children and their families. What is traditionally a time to celebrate family and good times together can actually serve to be a devastating reminder of their bereavement.

“For some, this Christmas will be their first festivity without their special person, for others this Xmas period is another reminder that their loved one is no longer with them.

“For these bereaved children and their families, it can be an incredibly isolating experience because it can cause a mixture of emotions from guilt over trying to have an enjoyable time to overwhelming sadness. This is why we hope to be able to unite local bereaved families to be able to come together and enjoy some nice memories with catering, festive activities, silent discos, arts and crafts and so on, all with expert bereavement support worker on hand.”

The special party also carries the thought of the charity’s Christmas Appeal – Colour their Christmas – which will serve to raise awareness of the situation countless bereaved young people, and their families will be facing this festive season.

Crucially, the appeal is also designed to raise vital funds so that Winston’s Wish can continue to open its services to grieving children locally and further afield throughout the UK.

Nicole added: “We are so thankful to be able to offer this party to local children who are navigating their bereavement and feelings of grief, and we’re reminded just how indebted we are to the kind and generous donations from incredible supporters.”

Parents can register up to three bereaved children per family aged 12 and younger via the dedicated page on the Winston’s Wish website.

Winston’s Wish is keen to reassure bereaved young people and their families that they are welcome to chat online, email or call for free to speak to a bereavement support worker by calling 08088 020 021 or using the live chat at winstonswish.org.


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