A free event to help local construction businesses in Oldham win work on major regeneration and development projects, is set to be hosted by council leader, Arooj Shah.
The event at Oldham Event Centre next month, will be attended by council contractors working on live or upcoming projects across the borough.
They include Muse, Oldham Council’s delivery partner who will build 2,000 new town centre homes; Tilbury Douglas, who are refurbishing the Old Library and Willmott Dixon who are redeveloping Spindles and will soon start the first major construction phase at Northern Roots.
Other partners are also coming along to talk about their own opportunities, including First Choice Homes Oldham and Oldham College.
Cllr Shah said: “We want Oldham businesses to be working on Oldham contracts. There’s a lot of exciting developments happening right now in Oldham – and there’s some fantastic opportunities to become part of the supply chains for some major projects.
“We’re working hard to regenerate Oldham and its transformation is now really taking shape. We’ll make sure the local economy and business community benefit from start to finish.
“Businesses of all sizes and trades can come along to the event – the only condition is, you must be based in Oldham.
“While this event has been organised for construction businesses, we plan to hold future procurement events for other sectors.”
The procurement event takes place on Tuesday, March 5, from 1pm-3pm at Oldham Event Centre, Boundary Park, Hilbre Avenue, OL2 5BL. Free parking is available on site.
You can expect to hear about current and future supply chain opportunities, a brief overview of what they are, timescales, value, contract requirements, payment terms, how to apply and contact details for further information.
Reserve your place today by filling in the form at oldham.gov.uk/