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Affordable Horse Racing Syndicates

Affordable Horse Racing Syndicates

It can be exciting when you sign up for your first horse racing syndicate, and there are so many horses and types of shares to pick from. Many options are available, and some have staggering price tags. However, you’ll be glad to hear this isn’t true across the board. Plenty of shares exist for aspiring horse owners of all budgets; you just have to know where to look.

If you’re after an affordable share with a respected horse racing syndicate in the UK, look no further than Racing Club. 

Best Affordable Horse Racing Syndicate: Racing Club

Our top pick for affordable horse racing syndicates is easily Racing Club. This fantastic group looks to bring together like-minded horse racing enthusiasts so they can share in their love of the races. With Racing Club, you can buy all sorts of shares in lovely horses that you can get excited to meet and own!

Shares start at just £45, so you aren’t breaking the bank to get involved, but bigger shares are available for people looking to hold a larger stake in their steed. Visit RacingClub.com today to take a look at their horses, one of which might one day be yours.

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What is a Horse Racing Syndicate?

How does a Horse Racing Syndicate differ from regular racehorse ownership? Well, syndicates allow people to band together to own a horse, paying smaller parts to afford the horse’s training, care and veterinary bills. 

Buying a share in a racing horse doesn’t limit the benefits you’ll receive as an owner! Syndicators (the people or companies that manage syndicates) offer excellent perks for members, like updates on your horse’s health and training, alerts about their upcoming events, opportunities to visit the horse and even an owner’s badge. And, of course, all owners receive a cut of any prize money the horse wins. 

Different syndicates will offer other bonuses, so be sure to look around and determine the best deal for your share!

What types of shares are available with Horse Racing Syndicates?

Shares will have varying conditions and amounts depending on the syndicate and the type of ownership you’re looking for. 

Some racehorse shares are just like regular stock shares: you purchase the share and are responsible for it until the horse retires or you sell it to someone else. However, others offer fixed-term payments with renewal plans, so you aren’t making such a permanent decision. 

The size of your share (and how many you buy) will affect how much it costs and your responsibility over the horse. A micro share, where thousands of people have stock in the same racing horse, will be much cheaper but may require you to share more benefits with other people. More significant shares will give you a greater say in the horse’s future; sometimes, you may even get a voice in naming it. 

Make sure you know what you want from horse ownership and find a syndicate share appropriate to your expectations and budget.
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