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Thursday, January 16, 2025
ConstructionHow effective construction site delivery management benefits the local area

How effective construction site delivery management benefits the local area

To keep busy construction sites moving at a reasonable pace, deliveries need to be arranged and dropped off to ensure the project has the tools and materials it needs to meet set deadlines and come in under budget.

However, with so many deliveries seemingly happening constantly, these vehicles can become an annoyance to people in the local area. This is especially true if the nearby area is highly populated – like a city centre or bustling town.

But with the right delivery management tools, sites can enjoy seamless deliveries that arrive regularly and on time, while causing as little disruption to those nearby as possible.

With this in mind, here are just a few benefits that adopting proper site delivery management will bring to the local area.

The relationship between the nearby area and proper delivery management

No bottlenecks at the entrance of the site

Depending on the positioning or size of a site, there may only be one or two entrances where delivery vehicles can drop off goods.

If these entrances are found close to main roads, or roads that experience a lot of rush hour traffic, school traffic, or walking pedestrians, they can become annoying for local people and motorists. Additionally, they also present a serious safety hazard if more than one delivery vehicle arrives at once, creating a bottleneck that spills out into passing traffic or people.

Staggering deliveries is a good way to solve this problem, allowing companies to time deliveries as accurately as possible – taking into account things like unloading time and stock checks – before the next delivery is due to arrive. With effective delivery management software, each delivery can be allocated an individual time slot, preventing backlogs at the entrance and potentially dangerous situations

Less noise

Construction sites are naturally noisy as it is, with powerful tools being operated at all hours of the day. This noise always proves to be a grievance to some in the local area, but there isn’t much that can be done about it if the job is to be completed quickly and safely.

Another noise-causing element of a construction job is the large wagons or vans making deliveries. Because of their sheer size, and the size and weight of their cargo, these vehicles often need to be much larger than average and thus create more noise as they enter and exit.

However, with delivery management software, companies can accurately keep track of the materials they need and potentially consolidate them into fewer deliveries, resulting in less noise caused by the vehicles.

Greater peace of mind for parents if schools are nearby

Nobody gets to pick and choose where construction sites crop up – they go where the work needs to be done. If that work falls close to a primary school, secondary school or nursery, this could present serious safety worries on the part of concerned parents.

Not only because construction sites use dangerous tools and materials daily – and some children may feel inclined to sneak onto the premises as a joke or a dare – but also because of the number of vehicles arriving and leaving every day. Not just because of the delays in traffic – but the risk of a child being struck by a vehicle, seemingly out of nowhere.

Thankfully, construction companies can significantly limit the chances of these delivery vehicles being involved in a collision with a child by timing deliveries to only take place while the children are in school – usually between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm.

This doesn’t just lower the risk of an accident involving a local school child, but would also alleviate potential traffic during some of the busiest hours on the roads.

Jobs completed faster

Deliveries that turn up late – or don’t turn up at all – can have dire consequences on the productivity of any business. But for the construction industry, even one missed order could end up costing thousands in lost work.

Delivery management software helps avoid instances like these by offering both the user and those making the delivery set times for when the delivery should be made. So instead of a delivery arriving late in the day, limiting the hours the site has to complete important work, the delivery could be timed to arrive earlier in the day, so site staff can fully utilise the materials and make the most of the hours they have during that day.

By taking active notes of stock and timing deliveries precisely when materials will be needed, jobs can enjoy greater productivity and be completed on time and, sometimes, under budget. The quicker jobs are completed, the less of an inconvenience they will be to those in the local area.

Delivery management tools can be a difference maker to the local community

By taking advantage of modern, digital delivery management tools, construction companies can help keep the relationship with people in the local community as steady and positive as possible. While the presence of a construction site may be of annoyance, by taking their situation and expectations into account, companies can use digital delivery management to help make the process a more relaxed and safer one for all.

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