Home Technology Digital Her announces women in tech events to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 

Digital Her announces women in tech events to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 

Digital Her announces women in tech events to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day 

Greater Manchester’s initiative to get more women into the tech industry is holding two events to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day on October 10.

Ada was an associate of Charles Babbage, for whose prototype of a digital computer she created a program. She has been called the first computer programmer.

The Digital Her initiative was created by Manchester Digital in 2018 to encourage more women into the tech industry, and support them throughout their whole careers.

Now it is hosting breakfast and afternoon events supported by Bruntwood SciTech, both to be held at No 1 Circle Square, just off Oxford Road in the city.

Inspiration for all women

While Ada Lovelace’s legacy is one that can inspire all women in tech, these events are all about exploring inspiration in today’s world and using it to fuel our futures.

Katie Gallagher, managing director at Manchester Digital, said: “Ada Lovelace Day is not only to celebrate the work of the first computer programmer, but to also use her legacy to inspire new generations of women to consider a career in the tech industry.

“The tech industry continues to develop at a rapid pace and there is a huge and growing breadth of careers within the space. We’re looking forward to bringing together some of our Digital Her role models to share their experiences and talk about what their career pathway looks like, as well as what you can expect from a career in the tech industry.”

Deb Hetherington, head of innovation at Bruntwood SciTech, said: “We’re thrilled to be supporting the Digital Her events for Ada Lovelace Day, at No 1 Circle Square.

“Here at Bruntwood SciTech, we support the next generation of female founders and encourage women into the tech industry, through our sponsorship and support of fantastic initiatives such as Digital Her, as well as our own programmes and initiatives.”

The breakfast event

The breakfast event is aimed at women currently working in tech and spotlights the Digital Her Role Models community. This event will see four members of the Role Model community take the stage for six-minute lightning talks, each connected to the theme of inspiration. Each talk will spark a short discussion over breakfast.

Digital Her Inspiration Breakfast

Inspiration afternoon

Meanwhile, the Inspiration Afternoon is aimed at women who are students, graduates and career changers into tech to celebrate Ada Lovelace Day and get inspired. The next event will be a thought-provoking afternoon, with a number of inspirational speakers, the opportunity to meet some of Digital Her’s industry role models as well as activities to help inspire your digital future.

Digital Her Inspiration Afternoon


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