We all need a little support at points in our life. In fact, that’s more the case than ever before, as we battle with all manner of things, from stresses and anxiety around work, health problems, relationship troubles and everything else that comes between.
The stats around things like addiction are alarming, whether it be the opioid crisis in the USA, the alcohol problem globally, or even the huge amount of people that are suffering from prescription drug addiction, more and more people are suffering, and many of those are afraid to reach out to their work colleagues for support.
It can be difficult to reach out, whether it is addiction, financial problems, health worries or absolutely anything else where you are feeling a little lost and alone, but reaching out could be the best thing you ever do.
If you feel like you need support from your colleagues, here are five top tips to navigate that and start talking to them…
Be clear about what you need
When you reach out to your colleagues, it’s important to be clear about what you need from them. Do you just need someone to listen, or do you need specific advice or help with something? Being clear about your needs will make it easier for your colleagues to support you in the way that you need. Before you speak to them, set out what you want to say and even practice so you know you’ll get it right and in the right tone.
Choose the right time and place
It’s important to choose the right time and place to reach out to your colleagues. If they’re in the middle of something important, they might not be able to give you the attention you need. Similarly, if you’re in a noisy or distracting environment, it might be difficult for them to listen to you properly. Choose a time and place where you can both focus on your conversation without distractions.
Be honest and open
When you reach out to your colleagues, it’s important to be honest and open about how you’re feeling. Don’t try to downplay your emotions or pretend that everything is fine if it’s not. Your colleagues will be able to offer better support if they know what’s really going on with you. Similarly, if you need help with something specific, be honest about that too.
Listen to their response
When you reach out to your colleagues, it’s important to listen to their response. They may have their own perspective on the situation or advice to offer, so be open to hearing what they have to say. Even if their response isn’t what you were hoping for, try to be respectful of their opinion and thank them for their support.
Follow up and show gratitude
After you’ve reached out to your colleagues, it’s important to follow up with them and show your gratitude. Let them know how their support helped you and how much you appreciate their friendship. Even if you don’t feel like you need their support anymore, it’s important to let them know that you value their friendship and the support they offer.