Home Thought Leaders How to scale up your online customer experience

How to scale up your online customer experience


Providing a seamless user experience for your online customers is more important than ever before. More specifically, offering personalised experiences will leave a lasting impression and build a connection between your brand and your clients online.

Prior to the pandemic, 88% of UK consumers did at least half of their shopping in person – with this figure dropping to just 50% during lockdown.

We’ve outlined some of the most essential steps to help you drive engagement and keep new and old clients coming back to your site, time after time.

What does scaling the customer experience mean?

Put simply, scaling up means recognising that you’ll need to make changes to your online strategy in order to survive in the current digital landscape. With online shopping now accounting for 38% of retail spending, businesses only thrive by adapting.

One of the best ways to transform your online presence is through personalisation, which we’ve explained in detail below.

Understanding personalisation

Coming up with a new personalisation strategy can feel complicated, so we’ve condensed our own approach into a few simple steps. As part of your planning process, you should:

  • Prioritise email marketing

When it comes to email marketing, timing is everything. Carefully pick out products, offers or content to encourage repeat visits to your website and/or app.

Customers need a clear-cut reason to return to your page – instead of a generic email about a generic product they’ve never expressed interest in. If you’ve noticed that a customer frequently visits your website on a mobile device, try sending a personalised recommendation for a product or a new piece of content via notification.

  • Consider content personalisation

A thoughtful, personalised content strategy is more likely to boost organic traffic to your site. Used effectively, personalisation also ensures that each visitor quickly finds the information they’re looking for.

To support you through new content management, consulting web solution experts could be a valuable investment.

  • Align your goals with your message

It’s easy to present data-driven recommendations on your site. However, not every business does this with purpose or meaning, rendering the feature almost useless.

You should aim to reduce churn, increasing the range of content being viewed, and promote your own original content. From there, you’ll need to work with data scientists to figure out which phrases might deliver the best results for each goal.

  • Layer algorithms

You’ll never be able to replace your content team with algorithms – but using both to your advantage is recommended.

For every piece of work selected by the team, try to incorporate a layer of computer intelligence to work out the order in which content should appear on your clients’ screens.

Final thoughts

In the wake of the pandemic, there’s no doubt that your business will be facing different challenges. No matter how easy it might be to stick to existing processes, it’s vital to step out of your comfort zone.