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How To Ask Guest Speakers To Attend Your Webinar



Webinars are a useful way to promote your business and potentially generate leads. It’s also easier to host a webinar than an in-person event, which is why webinars have become particularly popular over recent months.

The Coronavirus pandemic changed the webinar industry for the better and has helped it to grow the industry and make it more accessible.

The rise in popularity of webinars, combined with the increased accessibility of technology, has meant that marketers and business leaders now have many options when hosting a webinar.

One of the most significant things you’ll need to think about when planning a webinar is the itinerary, and that means working out who’ll be speaking.

As the host, you should do a lot of the speaking, but it would also help if you have other guests to break up the event and entice additional viewers.

Asking guests to speak at your webinar can feel a little scary, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some practical tips to help you invite guests to contribute to your webinar and make it an amazing online resource for attendees.

Use A Guest Speaker Agency

If you want to hire celebrities or renowned industry names to give your event gravitas, then consider using a specialist webinar guest speaker agency. When you’re looking for speakers for your webinar, your first port of call should be Speakers Corner. They offer a wide range of speakers on different topics, ranging from household names to industry experts, so you can find the perfect person to speak at your event.

Make The Most Of Your Network

As a business leader, you’ll have built up many contacts in your industry and specific niche over the years. Use these to your advantage when trying to get speakers to contribute to your webinar. Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn can help you to see who you know and who is connected to whom. From there, you can work out who might be a good potential webinar guest speaker and then invite them to collaborate with you. When you’re asking potential guest speakers, you should always make it clear what’s in it for them- for example, you could offer them valuable promotion on your site in exchange for their help with your webinar.

Highlight The Success Of Past Webinars

Once you’ve got a few webinars under your belt, or even just one, you can highlight their success and use them to entice new guests to speak at future online events. Sharing footage of your webinar is a key part of the activities you need to do after your webinar is over. Consider promoting the link to the webinar footage on your social media pages to entice new viewers, potentially generate new leads for your business and get prospective speakers interested in your upcoming event. You could also use the link to the footage to reach out to potential guest speakers directly.

Asking guest speakers to contribute to your webinar is a great way to enhance your event. Use these tips to make the process easier.