Home News Awards Leader of Manchester-based Ouch Training is recognised for international CEO Award

Leader of Manchester-based Ouch Training is recognised for international CEO Award


Simon Cassin, CEO of Ouch Training, has received international recognition for his outstanding contribution to the field of health, safety and wellbeing.

The British Safety Council has shortlisted Simon in the CEO award category at this year’s International Safety Awards. New for 2020, Simon is one of five shortlisted CEOs from across the globe which includes nominations from Indonesia and Dubai. The award champions the leadership and strategic vision of a CEO who has made a vital contribution to the health, safety and wellbeing of their team and wider society throughout 2019.

Simon Cassin said: “It is truly humbling to be recognised on an international scale for our work surrounding health, safety and wellbeing. I take great joy from working alongside a range of businesses in a variety of sectors across the UK, to provide training and support which ultimately contributes to making their workplaces more healthy and safe, and allows me to support them in their quest to nurture wellbeing across the organisation.”

Simon’s contribution to the industry includes the creation and promotion of the ‘Midday Mile’ to businesses throughout the country. This health and wellbeing initiative encourages employees to take time away from their desks, allowing for a physical and psychological break from their workplace surroundings. He is also responsible for providing numerous resources to a range of sectors which support positive workplace behaviours, physical and mental wellbeing. This includes free webinars to support businesses’ understanding and implementation of health and safety procedures, user-friendly information booklets, posters and educational videos.

In addition to his wider business support, Simon has taken an active role in championing his own organisation’s health, safety and wellbeing interests. He invests in the personal wellbeing of his staff by implementing various adaptations and opportunities for development based on individual needs. Team members also have the chance to carry out volunteer roles within the local community during work time.

Susan Turner, Director of Sales and Marketing at Ouch, added: “Simon really does practice what he preaches. At Ouch we all love our ‘Midday Mile’, it really contributes towards a healthy working attitude and environment. Unlike many other CEOs, Simon takes an individual, personal approach to ensure each team member feels equipped to preform to the best of their ability.”

The Manchester-based company delivers a wide range of bespoke health, safety, and wellbeing training and support functions to businesses across the UK. Ouch’s unique teaching culture provides a creative environment to stimulate participation, conversation and collective problem-solving opportunities. The nationwide team of highly experienced trainers aim to break down the stereotypes surrounding health, safety and mental health to change perspectives in the workplace.