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Greater Manchester Businessman start smart to offer digital marketing valuez


A Bury resident has received support from GC Business Growth Hub’s start-up programme to set up his own digital marketing business.

Evyatar Goldman has previously worked in website development for high-profile companies like Capita and Google, and felt that he could offer his expertise at a better price.

However, Evy recognised he needed external insight and expertise before trying to start his own business. He contacted GC Business Growth Hub, which referred him to his local Start Smart programme in Bury, ran locally by the Hub in partnership with People Plus.

Evy was supported by advisor Gavin Williams, who talked Evy through the different facets of running a business, such as to managing his time, registering his company, book-keeping and marketing his services effectively. Gavin also helped Evy put together a pricing strategy that reflected the true value of his services.

Following Gavin’s support, Evy has now set up Valuez, a digital marketing company which specialises in branding and website development using WordPress. Evy has also set himself up as a digital marketing trainer, providing his expertise to several companies that offer training or seminars to its customers. Knowing from previous experience that the public sector can be a rich source of opportunities to provide training, Evy has also begun tendering for publicly-funded contracts too.

Evy said: “I can’t thank the Hub and PeoplePlus enough for all the support they’ve given me. Gavin is thorough and continues to make himself available at any time for any question that I have.

“He went out of his way to make sure I was fully supported, fully informed and met all legal requirements when I set up Valuez. It is because of him that I felt confident going into business for myself and have been able to strive since.”

Janine Richardson, self-employment project manager from GC Business Growth Hub, said: “One of the aims of the Hub is to help start-up and young businesses to get off the ground and thrive. Evy knew that, by setting up his own business, he would still be able to offer clients the same level of service as he had done at his previous employers, but at a lower price as he would not have the same overheads. Large organisations often benefit from economies of scale, but, due to their size, SMEs are often well-placed to offer a competitive service, and this is certainly true in the digital marketing sector.”


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