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Manchester online fashion retailer expands with support from HSBC


Manchester-based online fashion retailer Missy Empire is set to expand to new premises with support of a six-figure funding package from HSBC.

In response to increasing customer demand, Missy Empire is using the bank’s funding to expand into a larger warehouse facility of 30,000 sq ft.  The new premises will provide 200 per cent greater stock capacity, as well as larger offices to house Missy Empire’s growing sales and marketing team. The new enhanced warehouse will support the business’s ambition to grow its position in the UK as well as expanding into overseas markets, including the USA, Europe and Australia in the coming months.

The expansion will create 30 jobs and is expected to increase turnover by 250 per cent over the next 12 months.

Ash Siddique, Managing Director and Co-founder of Missy Empire, said: “The fast fashion industry has grown significantly since we started in 2015. Our new warehouse gives us the capacity to stock and release entire ranges across the country and receive instant feedback. We really value our growing social media following and look forward to introducing a wider range of products in the future.”

Zubayr Atcha, Relationship Director for Manchester at HSBC, added: “Missy Empire is a great example of a company adapting to a new industry. The speed at which the business can bring new products to market and their use of online influencer campaigns is establishing Missy Empire as a household name. We’re delighted to help the business grow and bring more jobs to the North West.”

Missy Empire was launched in 2015 and has since grown to become an internationally recognised online fashion retailer. The business specialises in fast fashion, introducing new lines of clothing within short spaces of time via social media channels. Missy Empire is a market leader in the sector and has been endorsed by influential women such as TOWIE’s Lauren Pope and Chloe Lewis, as well as winning the North West Business Masters 2018 awards in the category of Best Newcomer. In addition to this, they have been recognised by the Insider Media as one of the top 25 most exciting companies in the North West.


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