Home CSR Standing ovation for The Royal Exchange Theatre’s commitment to sustainability

Standing ovation for The Royal Exchange Theatre’s commitment to sustainability


Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre in the heart of the city centre has taken huge strides towards improving their environmental impact with the support of Carbon Neutral waste management organisation, B&M Waste Services.

After making significant improvements in the theatre’s gas, electricity and water consumption, David Mitchell, Head of Facilities for the grand and much-loved performance space, was keen to replicate that success for their waste and recycling credentials. He consequently partnered with B&M Waste Services and established a strong relationship with his Account Manager, Paul Hoddy.

David explains: “We’re working well to make improvements happen. Our Account Manager has always been honest and open and put a lot of effort into trying to help us… The staff on the end of the phone are so much more willing to work with us to solve some of the more complex issues we face, and do so proactively”.

Paul Hoddy went on to say: “Working with The Royal Exchange Theatre has been fantastic. They understand the importance of recycling and waste management and their forward-thinking approach is really paying off.”

In just 6 months, the improvements to The Royal Exchange Theatre’s waste and recycling initiative is already clear with David highlighting better reporting, greater control of confidential waste and a more proactive approach to issues.



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