A document which will guide the multi-million pound comprehensive redevelopment of Church Wharf will open for comments on January 22.
Proposals for the area, a key part of Bolton Council’s £1 billion town centre masterplan, include hundreds of homes and a new pedestrian route along the River Croal.
Town hall bosses say they will talk to any businesses directly affected, as well as key stakeholders, and consultation will take place from January 22 to March 2.
The draft Supplementary Planning Document will provide design guidance for the redevelopment of the area, which includes land bounded by St. Peters Way, the River Croal, Manor Street, Bank Street and Folds Road.
Bolton Council’s Executive Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Cllr Ebrahim Adia, said: “This document will guide the regeneration of Church Wharf which is a key gateway into Bolton town centre.
“It is also one of our five key sites in our masterplan, and we are already speaking to developers and investors about the area, and talks are progressing well.
“We will now consult all key stakeholders and affected businesses and any comments that are received will be taken into consideration before the document is finalised and adopted.”
Once approved, the guide will be used with developers in discussions on drawing up detailed proposals for the area, and will also be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
From January 22, a copy of the draft planning document will be available online.
Paper copies can also be viewed at Access Bolton, ground floor, Bolton Town Hall and Bolton Central Library, Le Mans Crescent.
Comments should be submitted ideally by email to [email protected], or posted to Church Wharf SPD Consultation, Planning Strategy, 3rd Floor, Town Hall, BL1 1RU.
All comments should be received no later than 4pm on Friday, March 2.