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Mayor Andy Burnham key speaker at Bury Means Business event


Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, will be the key speaker at the latest Bury Means Business event.

Local companies are invited to attend this seminar, the theme of which is “Putting employers at the heart of the GM skills and education system”.

The event takes place on Thursday 14 September starting at 6pm in the Elizabethan Suite at Bury Town Hall. It has been organised by Bury Business Leadership Group and Bury Council, supported by CLES and the GMCA.

Also speaking will be Councillor Rishi Shori, leader of Bury Council, who set up the Bury Life Chances Commission to better align the needs of education, skills and employers.

He said: “I’m delighted that Andy has agreed to be our keynote speaker at this important event. Under devolution, Greater Manchester is poised to become one of the world’s leading regions, driving sustainable growth across a thriving North of England.

“We need the input of local employers and stakeholders to ensure that we create a system that delivers the skills needed in the local economy.

“Bury means business, and this event will look at the challenges facing all of us in today’s changing world around matching improved skills to thriving businesses. It will also give Bury businesses the opportunity to have their say at a ‘round table’ discussion and to network.”

To book a place, and for more details, click here